Why Filter Coffee is so damn loveable

Recently, our team was discussing some reasons as to why filter coffee is so damn loveable and here’s what we came up with…


It’s cost-effective. Brewing great coffee at home doesn’t have to mean taking out finance to pay for it. Believe it or not, it’s possible to brew ‘cafe quality’ coffee at home for very little investment. Filter coffee only requires two ingredients- coffee and water; and only a few inexpensive pieces of equipment- your choice of Brewing Device (Plunger, V60, Aeropress), Grinder (this could be an inexpensive hand grinder, such as the Hario Mini Mill Slim Hand Grinder or a more expensive electronic grinder), Kettle (our recommendation is the Hario Buono ‘Gooseneck’ spouted kettle, as it helps with accurate pouring), and Scales (there are many kinds, however, an affordable set are the Hario V60 Drip Scale).


It’s fast and clean. We understand that not everyone has the luxury of standing around all day brewing beautiful coffee. For many, mornings are a crazy busy time, leaving not much time to brew that much-needed coffee and clean up all the mess before leaving the house. This is why filter coffee is a dream. Unlike espresso machines, it does not require an extra 15 minutes for the machine to pre-heat, nor does it require a thorough back-flush before switching it off. Filter coffee simply requires 5 minutes to brew and 30 seconds to clean.

Last (but not least!)

Filter coffee provides clarity in flavour and is simply delicious!