Dear Fat Poppy Fam, ✍️

We wrote to you earlier this year (feel free to have a read here) about coffee prices going up… not just with our small brand but with all specialty coffee brands and in your local cafes too.

We’ve recently upped our prices again. This might seem sudden on your end, but for us, it’s been an incremental climb that we’ve tried to absorb for as long as possible before hitting the point of ‘unsustainable prices’.

As our industry navigates through these difficult times, it needs the support of its consumers more than ever. So, we’re keeping the ‘coffee price’ conversation flowing and we’re here to answer any questions you might have.

Why is coffee getting so expensive?

The cost of coffee needs to cover many things – growing, harvesting, processing, shipping, roasting, and cafe costs.

Here are 6 reasons why coffee prices have gone up:
1. Heavy inflation and raised cost of running a coffee farm (e.g., the cost of fertiliser)
2. Paying farmers and producers a fair price
3. Oil prices rises
4. Shipping delays
5. Low supply and high demand
6. Raised cost of living running a roastery or cafe

The good news is… while coffee prices may be out of our control, the choice to remain a quality and ethical driven business is not. We’re still choosing to import the bee’s knees of beans and pay a fair price for them along the way. All of this, so you can drink a damn fine cup of coffee and feel good about it.

We hope you still choose to support our mission too.

Love from,
Sasha & the Fat Poppy Team